Certblaster Exam Preparation Software Passwords

Exam Simulators offered by CertExams.com include 300+ questions in each simulator which are according to the latest objectives for that exam. Various question types including multiple choice, true/false, drag-n-drop, Testlets and Simlets are supported. Exams taken can be saved and reviewed any time.

Logging in at CertBlaster is simple and you only have to do it once. The interface is basic and has nothing but the list of certifications that they train toward. Antares auto tune 7 vst + crack for win & mac / free download.

(I didn’t even see a logout button.) In evaluating the CertBlaster A+ Practice Bundle (801 & 802), we are given a couple of study options. Exams The first option presented is Exams. CertBlaster has eight exams (four each for the two A+ certifications) ready for users to take in one of three test modes: Study, Assessment and Certification. Assessment Mode As per CertBlaster’s documentation, Assessment mode is used to determine the baseline knowledge of a student. The timer is set to 90 minutes for the exam, and answers are not available during the assessment exam.

Certblaster Exam Preparation Software Passwords

Study Mode In Study mode, you can choose to include 90 questions, as well as whether or not there is a timer. Answers are available if needed. Certification Mode Certification mode simulates the actual exam environment. The timer and number of questions are set as the exam would be arranged at a testing center. Drills CertBlaster also has a Drills section to help students learn.

In the Drills section, questions are divided into domains that correlate with different sections of CompTIA’s A+ certification. The number of questions per domain are listed in the table below.

A+ Certification Exam 220-801 A+ Certification Exam 220-802 Domain Questions Domain Questions Domain 1.0 PC Hardware 190 Domain 1.0 Operating Systems 224 Domain 2.0 Networking 157 Domain 2.0 Security 85 Domain 3.0 Laptops 55 Domain 3.0 Mobile Devices 45 Domain 4.0 Printers 48 Domain 4.0 Troubleshooting 178 Domain 5.0 Operational Procedures 47 Total 497 Total 532 At the beginning of a drill, you can determine how many questions you want to use and whether or not you want to use a timer, with a time limit of your choice. During the drill you can advance through the questions at your convenience, marking questions for review later if needed. Other navigation options include navigating to a specific question number, as well as navigating to the next marked or next unanswered question. While in Drills mode, clicking on the answer button at the top of the screen will tell you the correct answer and whether the answer you selected is correct or incorrect (if an answer is selected). After finishing the final question of your drill you are given the option to see a list of unanswered or marked questions.

After reviewing the list, you see your final score both in number of correct answers and as a percentage. You are given a list of the questions that you answered incorrectly, along with the correct answers. You are then given the option to print. Finally, CertBlaster provides a Personal Testing Plan (PTP). The PTP recommends a study plan aligned with CompTIA A+ objectives based on the questions you missed. Also, by pressing the Options button on this screen, you can create a custom exam using only the questions that you haven’t answered correctly.

Simulation Questions One big advantage of both Exams and Drills in CertBlaster is that they contain different question types to aid student learning. Besides multiple choice questions, the Exams and Drills sections both contain Drag and Drop questions — this allows students to choose between several different options and their answers — and Simulation questions which ask students to perform a task. Wkman, Sorry to hear you missed your 901.

As for any particular study materials or classes, we suggest that you ask others who have recently cleared the 901. Get on some discussion boards and ask what prep materials others have used.

Remember that it is a personal preference–what works for one may not work for another. Keep asking around and reading reviews. Also, we frequently post practice exams on GoCertify.com.

Certblaster exam preparation software passwords free

They have been used by a great many aspiring IT professionals. The good news is that you appear committed to completing your 901 exam–and that is what’s most important: If there’s a will, there’s a way! Best of luck, and let us know how you do on the retake.

I would recommend CertBlaster to anyone regardless of experience or background. No matter what your background is the A+ exam covers so much information it’s almost impossible without a thorough exam prep to know everything going into it.

I have some experience and gave myself six weeks of prep time. I used the net and prof.

Messer videos but my main study tool was CertBlaster. I would do exam simulations in assessment mode and then use the study plan I would get at the end of the session for guidance. I would then use the focus drills in study mode and see answers and explanations. When I felt I needed more detail I would either Google it or check out the Messer videos (they are really good and free).

I also used the Exam Cram book and that gave me an additional way to look at the CertBlaster questions. By the time I had gone through these steps a few time I felt very confident taking my exams. For me it worked out great. I agree with the reviewer, the simulator questions helped a lot because they can be awkward and having done them in CertBlaster saved me some time on exam day. I am next going to prep for Network+ and I will go back to CertBlaster for that one too.

Certblaster Exam Preparation Software Passwords

I’ve Used CertBlaster products to help hundreds of students through the tests. As an instructor I’ve found the CertBlaster products to be on target.

They get updated when the test objectives change and both versions are available throughout the transition. I completely agree with Brian, below. You don’t buy the certifications, you earn them. Training products are not poured onto the student to make them pass.

It’s up to the student to do the work. There is considerable amount of work involved. You have to study, read and get as much information from as many places as you can. You have to immerse yourself in the material for as long as it takes to be comfortable.


No one product will do it all, but CertBlaster is top 5 in my book. I think these people have their finger on the pulse of the certifications their products address. I’m sorry to hear that someone had a bad experience with CertBlaster. However, in my case, CertBlaster and its A+ study tools provided a well-rounded package for becoming familiar with CompTIA’s core objectives.


The drills especially were numerous in quantity and more than ample for guiding my attempt to pass the exam. For the 802, specific information on securing a SOHO proved invaluable. I’ve found, however, that too much reliance on one source, in conjunction with a rush to be successful, only leads to failure. I speak extremely highly of CertBlaster because it is a useful tool, and I passed with it and other means that covered the material. It wasn’t my only source but merely one that I am glad I had. There is no reason why someone should be discouraged from purchasing CertBlaster’s A+ prep package.