Manual For Xerox Memory Writer 625


Thank you for using the Support Forum. I do not know where you can find a MemoryWriter 6010 manual. That machine is more than 25 years old and no longer supported by Xerox. I was not successful in finding an old manual. I would suggest searching online to see if anyone still has one. The Xerox Corporation has announced a spelling checker and new communications features for its successful line of Memorywriter electronic typewriters. 625, 627, 630 and 645 Memorywriters to.


ROCHESTER, April 3— The Xerox Corporation introduced an electronic typewriter capable of word word processing, the $4,900 Memorywriter 640. The machine has a display that shows 20 lines of type and a control panel that moves a cursor and performs other word processing. Because it can also serve as an ordinary typewriter, the Memorywriter 640 is better for odd jobs such as typing an address on an envelope than a personal computer or a normal word processor would be, said David Myerscough, senior vice president of the Xerox Business Systems Group. Two 5 1/4-inch floppy diskettes give the 640 the capacity to store up to 158 pages of text, which can be printed out. 'It's sort of a non-threatening way of extending the capabilities of an electronic typewriter,' said Peter Enderlin, a securities analyst with Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Company.

'It fills a niche.'

Manual For Xerox Memory Writer 6250

ROCHESTER, July 2— The Xerox Corporation has announced a spelling checker and new communications features for its successful line of Memorywriter electronic typewriters. Spellcheck, designed for the high-end 645 Memorywriter, uses a built-in 50,000-word electronic dictionary, based on the Merriam-Webster dictionary. When it detects an unfamiliar or misspelled word, it highlights it and gives the operator a chance to correct it. The new communications features allow the 620, 625, 627, 630 and 645 Memorywriters to send documents over telephone lines to other office equipment, such as personal computers and high-speed laser printers.