Download Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf Free

Questions/purposes Our primary study question was: is there one common aspect of human illness behavior measured by (1) the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS); (2) the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS); (3) the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System-Pain Interference (PROMIS-PI) Computer Adaptive Test (CAT); and (4) the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ)? Secondarily, we aimed to determine which of the four questionnaires is most psychometrically sound. We measured correlations among questionnaires, coverage, reliability, completion time, and collinearity of these questionnaires when entered together in a multivariable model with the shortened version of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (QuickDASH) upper extremity disability questionnaire. Methods In this prospective study, 138 consecutive new or followup English-speaking patients aged 18 years or older presenting to a tertiary care referral center with traumatic and nontraumatic upper extremity conditions were invited to participate between March and May 2014. One hundred thirty-four (97%) patients agreed to participate and completed the four questionnaires in random order before their visit with the physician. We used exploratory factor analysis to assess whether there was a single common trait–an underlying aspect of human illness behavior–measured by these questionnaires. Interquestionnaire correlation was assessed using Spearman rank correlation coefficients; coverage by assessing floor and ceiling effect (proportion of scores at lower and upper limit); reliability by Cronbach’s alpha measure of internal consistency; completion time in seconds using Kruskal-Wallis analysis; and collinearity statistics through a regression model with QuickDASH.

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General description: The coping strategy questionnaire (CSQ), (Rosenstiel & Keefe 1983) in its original version consists of 50 items assessing patient self rated use of cognitive and behavioural strategies to cope with pain. It comprises six subscales for cognitive strategies.

Results Exploratory factor analysis identified a common trait measured by these four measures–coping strategies in response to nociception–indicated by a substantial correlation of every individual questionnaire with the underlying trait (PCS: 0.74, PIPS: 0.84, PROMIS-PI: 0.83, PSEQ: −0.86). All interquestionnaire correlations were also large to substantial and were highest for PROMIS-PI with PSEQ (rho = −0.84, p. Each author certifies that he or she, or a member of his or her immediate family, has no funding or commercial associations (eg, consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing arrangements, etc) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. All ICMJE Conflict of Interest Forms for authors and Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ® editors and board members are on file with the publication and can be viewed on request. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ® neither advocates nor endorses the use of any treatment, drug, or device. Readers are encouraged to always seek additional information, including FDA-approval status, of any drug or device prior to clinical use.

Each author certifies that his or her institution approved the human protocol for this investigation and that all investigations were conducted in conformity with ethical principles of research. Pain is one of the most common presenting symptoms in the practice of a hand and upper extremity surgeon, highly influenced by coping strategies ,. There are several measures assessing ineffective pain coping strategies, often used in combination in research studies. Because collecting data can be a burden for both the researcher and the patient, finding the most effective, economical, and psychometrically sound measurement of coping with pain and its relationship to disability is important for both clinical and research practice. The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS)-Pain Interference computer-adaptive test (CAT) is a novel measure of the degree to which pain limits an individual’s physical, mental, and social activities , which indicates both difficulties with coping and disability. For hand and upper extremity conditions, pain intensity and magnitude of hand and arm-specific disability are better explained by psychosocial factors such as stress, distress, and ineffective coping strategies rather than pathophysiology ,. Ineffective coping strategies in response to pain are primarily measured using the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) , the Psychosocial Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS) , and the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ).

Prior research has already noted a strong correlation between the PCS and the PSEQ. Hence, using both measures of pain coping and measures of pain interference to assess coping and relationships with hand- and arm-specific disability may be redundant. In our opinion, the questionnaires included in this study are used interchangeably to measure the impact of coping strategies in response to nociception on disability. Exploratory factor analysis is a statistical method that allows one to test such a hypothesis by bringing correlated variables together under a more general, underlying variable. In this way, redundancy among variables is reduced to an underlying trait (eg, construct or factor).

Exploratory factor analysis is a statistical method used to uncover the underlying–mathematical–structure of a set of variables. It is a technique used to describe variability among observed, correlated variables in terms of a potentially small number of unobserved variables called factors—in other words, to identify the underlying relationships between measured variables. This study addresses if these questionnaires measure a single common factor: coping strategies in response to nociception. We evaluated whether exploratory factor analysis can identify a common underlying trait measured by (1) the PCS; (2) the PIPS; (3) the PROMIS-Pain Interference CAT; and (4) the PSEQ.

Secondarily, we assessed the correlation among questionnaires to determine the amount of shared variance; compared instrument coverage and reliability; compared completion time; and compared collinearity of these questionnaires when entered together in a multivariable analysis of factors associated with the short version of the Disabilities of Hand Arm and Shoulder Questionnaire (QuickDASH). Patients and Methods. After approval by the hospital’s institutional review board, 138 new or followup patients presenting to a tertiary care referral center for hand and upper extremity conditions were invited to enroll in this cross-sectional study between March and May 2014. English-speaking patients aged 18 years or older presenting with traumatic and nontraumatic upper extremity conditions were invited to participate. Pregnant women were excluded as required by the institutional review board. Patients were enrolled before their visit with the physician. After obtaining informed consent, patients completed the questionnaires on a tablet, and data were collected through Assessment Center SM (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA, 2007).

Assessment Center is a free, online data collection tool that enables researchers to create study-specific websites for capturing participant data securely online. Customization of items or instruments (eg, formatting and randomization) is enabled by this web site. Four patients (3%) declined participation, leaving 134 patients for analysis. Patients were not compensated for participation. Sample Size Calculation Power analyses showed that a minimum sample size of 134 participants would provide 95% statistical power (beta 0.05; alpha 0.05) to detect a correlation of 0.3 (moderate) on a bivariate correlation model between questionnaires. Outcome Measures Patient demographics and clinical factors were obtained first and consisted of: sex, age, ethnicity, race, education in years, work status, marital status, days since injury, prior visits for this condition, prior surgeries for this condition, other pain conditions (eg, migraine, low back pain, irritable bowel syndrome), and QuickDASH.

Assessment Center made it possible to let the PCS, PIPS, PROMIS-Pain Interference, and PSEQ follow in a random order. The QuickDASH is a shortened version of the in 1996 introduced 30-item Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) Outcome Measure questionnaire. The QuickDASH uses 11 items, each answered on a 5-point Likert scale, to measure physical function and symptoms in persons with any or multiple musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb. Scores range from 0 to 100 with higher scores indicating greater disability. The PCS is a questionnaire used to quantify pain catastrophizing in patients with chronic pain initially developed in 1995. The PCS contains three dimensions.

Domain 1, helplessness (questions 1–5 and 12), refers to the estimation that the person has not been able to do anything to influence the pain. Domain 2, magnification (questions 6, 7, and 13), refers to the exaggeration of the threatening properties of the painful stimulus. Domain 3, rumination (questions 8–11), refers to the fact that the patient cannot get rid of the idea of pain and cannot stop thinking about the pain. The PCS uses 13 items, each answered on a 5-point Likert scale.

Scores range from 0 to 52 with higher scores indicating higher levels of catastrophizing ,. The PIPS is one of the scales used for assessing relevant aspects of psychological inflexibility in pain patients, initially developed in 2008. The PIPS contains two dimensions. Domain 1, avoidance (questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 11), measures the self-reported tendency to engage in certain behaviors that lead to avoidance. Domain 2, cognitive fusion related to pain (questions 3, 6, 9, and 12)–cognitive fusion is a process whereby thoughts are taken at face value and believed as “facts” rather than “opinions”–assesses the experienced frequency of acting on these presented thoughts as if they were true. The PIPS uses 12 items, each answered on a 7-point Likert scale.

Scores range from 12 to 84 with higher scores indicating greater psychological inflexibility ,. The PROMIS-Pain Interference is a computerized adaptive instrument that defines consequences of pain on relevant aspects of persons’ lives and may include impact on social, cognitive, emotional, physical, and recreational activities as well as sleep and enjoyment of life. The questionnaire was initially developed in 2010. CAT provides a dynamic selection of items wherein the response to each item will guide the system’s choice of the next item generating an individually tailored series of questions ,. Each item reduces the potential for error and increases confidence in the score. The questionnaire will continue administering questions until the standard error drops below a specific level or when the patient has answered a maximum number of questions (set at 12 questions for this questionnaire).

PROMIS-Pain Interference draws items from a 47-item bank, each answered on a 5-point Likert scale. The outcome scores are given in T-scores ranging from 39 to 84 with higher scores representing more of the concept being measured, greater pain interference. The T-score is set to have a mean of 50 and a SD of 10. The advantage of this scoring approach is that a person’s score communicates that person’s level of the domain relative to the general population of the United States and allows comparison with other populations. The PSEQ is a questionnaire that measures the influence of pain on confidence (self-efficacy) in performing tasks, initially developed in 1989. The PSEQ uses 10 items, each answered on a 7-point Likert scale.

Scores range from 0 to 60 with higher scores indicating higher levels of self-efficacy ,. Patient Demographics. IQR = interquartile range; QuickDASH = short version of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire. Statistical Analysis Exploratory factor analysis is a statistical method that looks for an underlying trait being measured by selected variables and subsequently analyzes the correlation of these variables with the underlying trait.

A factor score of 1 indicates a perfect association of the questionnaire with this underlying trait, 0 indicates no association, and −1 indicates perfect inverse association of the questionnaire with the underlying trait. Interquestionnaire correlations to determine the amount of shared variance were measured using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (range, −1 to 1); a score of 1 indicates a perfect correlation, 0 indicates no correlation, and −1 indicates a perfect inverse correlation. Instrument coverage and reliability for each questionnaire were assessed by determining item completion rate, median total score with interquartile range, range, Cronbach alpha, and flooring and ceiling effect. Cronbach alpha is a measure of internal consistency (maximum score of 1) with a higher score indicating a higher internal consistency.

Internal consistency using Cronbach alpha cannot be measured for PROMIS-Pain Interference because of its dynamic selection of items. This questionnaire works as a branching system wherein the response to each item will guide the system’s choice of the next item generating an individually tailored series of questions for every patient. Flooring effect is a term used to describe a situation in which subjects in a study have scores at the lowest possible limit (floor); ceiling effect reflects scores at the upper limit (ceiling). Both effects demonstrate coverage of the questionnaire. Flooring and ceiling effect influences analysis because it reduces the amount of variation in a questionnaire. A Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess the difference in completion time among the four questionnaires. A Wilcoxon rank-sum (also known as Mann-Whitney) test was used to assess the difference in completion time between any two questionnaires.

Bonferroni correction of the p value was used for the multiple comparisons in completion time. A multivariable linear regression analysis with QuickDASH as the criterion was used to assess collinearity among the four pain-coping questionnaires. Multicollinearity was assessed with the partial r 2, variance inflation factor (VIF), and tolerance (the reciprocal of VIF). The VIF is an index that measures how the variance of an estimated regression coefficient is increased because of collinearity.

A low partial r 2 indicates that the questionnaire adds little to the already explained variance in outcome (QuickDASH) by the other explanatory variables. Baseline characteristics are presented as median with interquartile range for continuous variables and as frequencies with percentages for categorical variables. STATA 12.0 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA) was used for statistical analysis. We found that there was one underlying construct measured by all four questionnaires, namely, coping strategies in response to nociception.

Exploratory factor analysis showed that three questionnaires (PCS: 0.74, PIPS: 0.84, and PROMIS-Pain Interference: 0.83) measure the same construct and one questionnaire measures the inverse of this construct (PSEQ: −0.86). This is indicated by a substantial correlation (ie, factor scores above 0.7 or below −0.7) of every individual questionnaire with the underlying trait (Table ). Range of scores patients per questionnaire; †possible range of scores per questionnaire; ‡represents the internal consistency; IQR = interquartile range; CAT = computerized adaptive testing; PCS = Pain Catastrophizing Scale; PIPS = Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale; PROMIS-PI = Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System-Pain Interference; PSEQ = Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire.

There was high internal consistency in the PCS (0.93), PIPS (0.88), and PSEQ (0.92) indicating reliability of these questionnaires. Internal consistency is not an appropriate measure for the PROMIS-Pain Interference as a result of its CAT method. Previous studies demonstrated that pain intensity and magnitude of disability are explained more by coping with pain rather than pathophysiology in patients with musculoskeletal disease ,. Studies typically use a combination of pain-coping measures, which can be cumbersome and redundant. This study found evidence that the PROMIS-Pain Interference CAT, the PCS, PIPS, and PSEQ measure the same construct as indicated by a substantial correlation of all four questionnaires with an underlying–mathematically derived–trait. In other words, all of these measures are determined by an unobserved and unmeasured construct that has a strong influence on all of the measures. The PIPS questionnaire has the least floor and ceiling effects, but the PROMIS-Pain Interference questionnaire is the most efficient to complete.

There were several limitations. First, this study was performed in a tertiary care referral center for hand and upper extremity conditions. The subset of patients studied might therefore not be representative for the overall population with upper extremity conditions. On the other hand, the vast majority of our patients are direct referrals from primary care doctors. Second, questions within and between surveys seem very similar, which might have annoyed the subjects, resulting in less representative answers. We randomized the delivery order of the questionnaires to minimize this effect on our analysis. Third, for PROMIS-Pain Interference, we were not able to assess the internal consistency as a result of its CAT setup; therefore, we could not compare PROMIS-Pain Interference’s consistency with those of the other three surveys.

However, previous studies assessing the validity of the PROMIS-Pain Interference questionnaire demonstrated an internal consistency of ≥ 0.96 (Cronbach alpha) , indicating substantial internal consistency. We demonstrated a high factor loading of all four questionnaires, meaning that these questionnaires measure the same concept, as one would expect based on their purpose. Exploratory factor analysis is a statistical method used to uncover the underlying structure of a set of variables. This technique can be used to describe variability among observed, correlated variables in terms of a potentially lower number of unobserved variables called factors–to identify the underlying relationships between measured variables. In other words, relating to this study, are the four questionnaire scores all determined by a common underlying trait? This method of exploratory factor analysis has been used to individually validate PCS, PIPS, PROMIS-Pain Interference, and PSEQ ,. The four questionnaires are comparable in terms of the variables they measure individually; this is supported by the high collinearity among the questionnaires as demonstrated by the relative low partial r 2 of the individual explanatory variables as well as the multivariate multicollinearity statistics.

Interquestionnaire correlations were calculated to assess the relationship among the questionnaires. We found high correlation scores in our study. Previous studies were limited comparing only two of our four selected questionnaires: an interquestionnaire correlation of 0.62 was found between the PCS and a Spanish version of the PIPS (in our study 0.70) and an interquestionnaire correlation of −0.72 was found between the PROMIS-Pain Interference and the PSEQ (in our study −0.84).

In this study, internal consistencies of the PCS, PIPS, and PSEQ were high, whereas internal consistency for PROMIS-Pain Interference was not calculated as a result of the CAT administration method. Instrument coverage and reliability were good for all four questionnaires. Como desinstalar programas. Instrument coverage and reliability of a questionnaire–resulting in high internal consistencies–are precursors of instrument validity. Validity is the appropriateness of conclusions made on observations or measurements, specifically whether a test measures the intended trait.

Previous studies tested the validity of the PCS, PIPS, PROMIS-Pain Interference, and PSEQ ,. Only one other study looked at instrument coverage in the PCS questionnaire and found a flooring effect of 32% and no ceiling effect (versus 21% and 0.75%, respectively, in our study). The most effective way to obtain research data in the least amount of time is key in reducing both respondent and researcher burden, and we found that PROMIS-Pain Interference has an advantage.

CAT provides a dynamic selection of items wherein the response to each item will guide the system’s choice of the next item generating an individually tailored series of questions ,. This results in lower questionnaire completion times because not every question needs to be answered. A previous study showed that it takes 45 seconds on average to complete the PROMIS-Pain Interference questionnaire (in comparison to a median completion time of 30 seconds in our study). Pain is one of the most common presenting symptoms in the practice of a hand and upper extremity surgeon ,. Hence, for a better measurement of a patient’s health status, an understanding of the variation in pain for a given nociception and the influence of nociception on disability are key in clinical trials ,.

Finding the most effective way to measure coping strategies in response to nociception and magnitude of disability and avoiding redundancy is important. These measurements might help hand surgeons identify opportunities for psychological support in daily practice. The widespread adoption of PROMIS-based questionnaires may not only lead to a reduction in respondent and researcher burden, but also in sample size requirements and ultimately study costs. In conclusion, the various measures of coping strategies in response to nociception are all reducible to a single construct. We prefer the PROMIS-Pain Interference CAT over the PCS, PIPS, and PSEQ as a result of its simplicity, brevity, and relatively good coverage.

The only caveat is that the PSEQ and PCS might be useful for a psychologist to use because in addition to the score, the individual questions can become talking points and foci of treatment.

Disclaimer Oxford University Press makes no representation, express or implied, that the drug dosages in this book are correct. Readers must therefore always check the product information and clinical procedures with the most up to date published product information and data sheets provided by the manufacturers and the most recent codes of conduct and safety regulations. The authors and the publishers do not accept responsibility or legal liability for any errors in the text or for the misuse or misapplication of material in this work. Except where otherwise stated, drug dosages and recommendations are for the non-pregnant adult who is not breastfeeding.

This appendix provides descriptions of measures recommended for assessing pain, pain-related beliefs and coping, and other important pain-related domains for evaluating the patient and the effects of pain treatment. The information presented for each measure includes (1) a reproduction of the specific measure (when permission from the copyright holder has been granted or when such permission is not needed) or sample items from the measure, (2) source document information, and (3) scoring instructions. Scoring instructions for 0-to-10 NRSs The number that the respondent selects is that respondent's NRS score. Pain intensity can be classified into mild, moderate, and severe levels based on the NRS score. Mild pain intensity is pain that noticeable but has little effect on day-to-day functioning. Moderate pain is pain that is starting to interfere with some areas of functioning, such as socializing, sleep, and mood, but does not produce marked interference across a broad range of activities.

Severe pain intensity is pain that has become a central aspect of the patient's life and that produces significant interference across a wide range of activities. Although 100% consistency across multiple pain populations regarding the 0-to-10 ratings that represent mild, moderate, and severe pain has not been found, most often pain ratings between 1 and 4 indicate mild pain, scores of 5 or 6 indicate moderate pain, and ratings of 7 to 10 indicate severe pain. When differences are found between pain populations, the cutoffs tend to differ with respect to the ratings that indicate moderate pain; that is, ratings of 3 and/or 7 are sometimes viewed as moderate pain (;; ), although in one study a rating of 6 was viewed as severe pain by the study participants. Consistency is mostly found for the extremes and middle scores; ratings of 1 or 2 are almost always considered mild pain, ratings of 5 almost are always considered moderate pain, and ratings of 8 to 10 are almost always considered severe. Scoring instructions for VRSs The word or phrase selected by the respondent represents that respondent's pain intensity.

If a number is needed for analysis, VRSs are usually scored so that “No pain” is given a 0, “Mild pain” = 1, “Moderate pain” = 2, and “Severe pain” = 3. All else being equal, the NRS should usually be administered instead of the VRS, as the NRS provides more response categories and may therefore be more sensitive to changes in pain than the VRS. However, the rare individual, such as someone who is elderly or who has advanced disease (e.g., advanced cancer), may have difficulty understanding or using the NRS and may find the VRS easier to understand and use. Instructions: In the following instructions, say “hurt” or “pain,” whichever seems right for a particular patient. Do not use words like “happy” and “sad.” This scale is intended to measure how respondents feel inside, not how their face looks. These faces show how much something can hurt.

This face point to left-most face shows no pain. The faces show more and more pain point to each from left to right up to this one point to right-most face—it shows very much pain. Point to the face that shows how much you hurt right now. © 2001 International Association for the Study of Pain. Reprinted from “The Faces Pain Scale-Revised: Toward a common metric in pediatric pain measurement” by, Pain, 93, pp. This figure has been reproduced with permission of the International Association for the Study of Pain® (IASP®). The figure may not be reproduced for any other purpose without permission.

The pain belief measure most commonly used in research and clinical settings in individuals with chronic pain is the 57-item Survey of Pain Attitudes (SOPA; ). Brief 42-item ) and very brief 1-item and 2-item versions of the SOPA are also available. Sample items from each of the SOPA scales are listed below. Control scale item: I have learned to control my pain. Harm scale item: The pain I usually experience is a signal that damage is being done.

Disability scale item: My pain would stop anyone from leading an active life. Emotion scale item: Anxiety increases the pain I feel. Solicitude scale item: When I hurt, I want my family to treat me better. Medication scale item: I will probably always have to take pain medications. Cure scale item: I pay doctors so they will cure me of my pain. SOPA items reproduced by special permission of the Publisher, Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 North Florida Avenue, Lutz, Florida 33549 from the Survey of Pain Attitudes by Mark P. Jensen, PhD, and Paul Karoly, PhD, Copyright 1987, 1991, 1994, 2007 by PAR, Inc.

Further reproduction is prohibited without permission of PAR, Inc. The pain coping measure most commonly used in research and clinical settings is the 70-item Chronic Pain Coping Inventory. Very brief (1-item and 2-item per scale ) versions of the CPCI are also available. Sample items from each of the CPCI scales are listed below.

Relaxation scale item: Focused on relaxing my muscles. Task Persistence scale item: I didn't let the pain interfere with my activities. Exercise/Stretch scale item: Exercised to strengthen the muscles in my legs for at least 1 minute. Resting scale item: I took a rest. Seeking Social Support scale item: I got support from a friend. Pacing scale item: I broke up my tasks into manageable pieces so I could still get a lot done despite pain.

Coping strategy questionnaire pdf

Asking for Assistance scale item: Asked for help with a chore or task. Coping Self-Statements scale item: Told myself things will get better. Guarding scale item: Avoided using part of my body (e.g., hand, arm, leg). Reproduced by special permission of the Publisher, Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 North Florida Avenue, Lutz, Florida 33549, from the Chronic Pain Coping Inventory by Mark P.

Jensen, PhD, Judith A. Turner, PhD, Joan M. Romano, PhD, and Warren R. Nielson, PhD, Copyright 1995, 2008 by PAR, Inc. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission of PAR, Inc. Scoring instructions for the PHQ-9 For all items, Not at all = 0, Several days = 1, More than half the days = 2, and Nearly every day = 3.

If there are at least four 3s, a depressive disorder is highly likely. Sum responses to all of the items to determine severity.

If there are at least five 3s, and at least one of them is in response to item 1 or 2, consider a major depressive disorder diagnosis. Consider other depressive disorder diagnosis if there are two to four 3s, and at least one of them is in response to item 1 or 2. In terms of overall depression severity, PHQ-9 scores from 1 to 4 can be viewed as representing minimal depression. Scores from 5 to 9 represent mild depression, and scores from 10 to 14 represent moderate depression. Scores from 15 to 19 represent moderately severe depression, and scores from 20 to 27 represent severe depression. Scoring instructions for the PROMIS Depression Short-Form For all items, Never = 1, Rarely = 2, Sometimes = 3, Often = 4, and Always = 5.

First, sum responses to all of the items (possible range, 8–40) to obtain a raw score. Next, using the T-score Conversion Table for the Depression scale (below), compute the “trait” score associated with the patient's raw score. This trait score can vary from 0 to 100, with 50 representing the standardized sample mean, and 10 units representing one standard deviation. Thus, a patient with a trait score of 60 has a score one SD above the mean. It is important to remember, though, that the conversion table can be used only when an examinee responds to all of the items in the set. One or more missing responses will render such scoring tables unusable.

The conversion table below allows a user to convert simple summed raw scores from PROMIS 8-item short form Depression scale into T-score values. These conversions work accurately only when all questions on the short form have been answered. T-score distributions are standardized such that a 50 represents the average (mean) for the U.S.

General population, and the standard deviation around that mean is 10 points. Thus, a person who has a Depression scale T-score of 60 is reporting one SD more depression than the average person in the general population.

Source document for the Brief Pain Inventory Pain Interference Scales The primary source document for the Brief Pain Inventory is the Brief Pain Inventory User's Guide, which can be downloaded from:. The source documents for the modified Brief Pain Inventory Scale include: (1). The reliability and validity of pain interference measures in persons with cerebral palsy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83, 236–239; (2). Pain interference in persons with spinal cord injury: Classification of mild, moderate, and severe pain. Journal of Pain, 7, 129–133; and (3).

The reliability and validity of pain interference measures in persons with spinal cord injury. Journal of Pain, 7, 179–186. Scoring instructions for the MOS Sleep Scales Scoring the MOS Sleep Survey is a two-step process.

First, original numeric values from the survey are recoded following the scoring rules as follows: Items 4 and 12 when scored as reversed: 1 = 0, 2 = 20, 3 = 40, 4 = 60, 5 = 80, 6 = 100. Item 1: 1 = 0, 2 = 25, 3 = 50, 4 = 75, 5 = 100. Items 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11: 1 = 100, 2 = 80, 3 = 60, 4 = 40, 5 = 20, 6 = 0. Items 4 and 12 when scored as not reversed: 1 = 100, 2 = 80, 3 = 60, 4 = 40, 5 = 20, 6 = 0. All items are scored so that a high score reflects more of the attribute implied by the scale name. Each item is then converted to a 0-to-100 possible range so that the lowest and highest possible scores are set at 0 and 100, respectively. In this format, scores represent the achieved percentage of the total possible score.

For example, a score of 50 represents 50% of the highest possible score. In the second step, the items within each scale are averaged together to create the seven MOS scale scores. Table on page indicates which items contribute to each scale. Scales with at least one item answered can be used to generate a scale score.

Coping Strategy Questionnaire Pdf

Items that are left blank (missing data) are not taken into account when calculating the scale scores. Scores represent the average for all items in the scale that the respondent answered. Scoring instructions and score interpretation information for the PROMIS Sleep Disturbance scale For items 1 and 4, Not at all = 1, A little bit = 2, Somewhat = 3, Quite a bit = 4, Very much do = 5. For items 2 and 3, Not at all = 5, A little bit = 4, Somewhat = 3, Quite a bit = 2, Very much = 1.

For items 5 and 6, Never = 1, Rarely = 2, Sometimes = 3, Often = 4, Always = 5. For item 7, Never = 5, Rarely = 4, Sometimes = 3, Often = 2, Always = 1. For item 8, Very poor = 5, Poor = 4, Fair = 3, Good = 2, Very good = 1. After scoring each item, sum responses (possible range, 8–40) to obtain a raw score. Next, using the T-score Conversion Table for the Sleep Disturbance scale, below, select the “trait” score associated with the patient's raw score. This trait score can vary from 0 to 100, with 50 representing the standardized sample mean, and 10 units representing 1 standard deviation. Thus, a patient with a trait score of 60 has a score one SD above the mean.

It is important to remember, though, that the conversion table can be used only when an examinee responds to all of the items in the set. One or more missing responses will render such scoring tables unusable. The following conversion table allows a user to convert simple summed raw scores from PROMIS 8-item Sleep Disturbance short form into T-score values.

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Remember, these conversions work accurately only when all questions on the short form have been answered. T-score distributions are standardized such that a 50 represents the average (mean) for the U.S. General population, and the standard deviation around that mean is 10 points. Thus, for example, a person who has a Sleep Disturbance scale T-score of 60 is reporting a one SD more sleep disturbance than the average person in the general population.