Limbomaniacs Stinky Grooves RARE
It's mislabled and stinky. Pop singles when they have a-cappella or dub mixes, its usually to make sure that both sides have grooves. If the club mix is good, a throwaway track or one with at least some usable drop ins is fine. A really hot club mix may as well have the same cut on both sides letting a DJ play the hell out of it.
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A1 Cheap Thrills Written By. Mike Sentkewitz. Anthony Comunale 1:05 A2 Brightside Written By.
Rich McLoughlin. Mike Sentkewitz. Carl Porcaro. Anthony Drago 2:29 A3 Fools Die Written By. Carl Porcaro. Anthony Drago 2:20 A4 Telltale Written By. Rich McLoughlin.
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Carl Porcaro. Anthony Drago 1:28 A5 What I Want Written By. Carl Porcaro. Anthony Drago 2:10 B1 No More Mr. Nice Guy Written By.
Rich McLoughlin. Carl Porcaro. Anthony Drago 2:43 B2 My Reason Written By. Mike Sentkewitz 2:12 B3 New Release Written By.
Limbomaniacs Wikipedia
Rich McLoughlin. Carl Porcaro. Anthony Comunale 1:42 B4 Backtrack Written By. Mike Sentkewitz. Carl Porcaro. Anthony Drago 2:34 B5 Wall Of Hate Written By.
Carl Porcaro. Anthony Drago 1:26 B6 Wisdom Written By. Rich McLoughlin. Carl Porcaro. Anthony Drago 2:52.