Module 7 Quantum Jumping Youtube

Quantum jumping techniques

But to bring this back to this idea out there of quantum jumping, or even to relate it to past life recollections, do you feel its possible to step into a so called past or even parallel lifetime and bring back something useful? That is the claim of this quantum jumping from I can gather. Blue carpet treatment megaupload shut. Have you ever tried quantum jumping? There are 7 CD's each with a number of modules all designed to teach you the ways of Quantum Jumping. I have gone through each of these modules with an open mind, doing the exercises exactly as he says to do them. I will now go through them with you, and let you form your own opinion. Note: I had to.

Quantum Jumping Scam

Use the power of Quantum Abundance to build wealth - Check out this video of Burt Goldman taking an audience on a Quantum Jumping experience. Quantum Jumping is a multi-media coaching program which combines deep guided meditation and advanced visualization techniques among other science and spirituality practices which help the user tap into their subconscious and supposedly learn from their alternate selves.